Our work would not be possible with the collaboration of the NGOs
and foundations that help us in the field.
Because together we don’t just add up. We multiply.
We welcomed the creation of our Foundation with open arms. We are very open to open new doors and continue working to improve the lives of people with hearing impairment.
Mª José Gassó
Chairlady of the GAES Solidaria Foundation
It is an honour for us to collaborate with the GAES Solidaria Foundation. We are extremely thankful for having been able to provide the Tibetan refugees from Dharamsala, India, with a better quality of life.
Thubten Wangchen
Director of the Casa del Tíbet Foundation, Barcelona
The commitment of the GAES Solidaria Foundation has made support for projects possible all over the world. Many thanks from the Ayuda en Acción team in Spain, Peru, Mexico, Nepal and Ecuador.
Marta Marañón
Director of Institutional Relations at Ayuda en Acción
The GAES Solidaria Foundation works with the FVF to improve the quality of life of children in India. The results are extremely positive, and we trust that this partnership will last for a long time.
Jordi Folgado Ferrer
Managing Director of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation
The involvement of GAES Solidaria in the SJD Pediatric Cancer Center project gave us a first-hand insight into the great responsibility that GAES feels towards society, especially towards more vulnerable children.